Sterile Field

My years as a surgical resident.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

#15: Friday night is the worst night for call

Friday night is probably the worst night to be on call because everyone wants to get out of the hospital for the weekend and they sign out a lot of work for the on-call intern. Then, on Saturday morning, no one else is around to help round. Adding to this, one of the senior residents on our service was out of town and the attendings and other residents kept asking me to come down to the operating room to assist with cases. This is great because I love to be in the operating room, but all the other residents only have to operate all day long and I have to do all this work on the floor for the other patients during the day in addition to operating!

So I went into call with several daily notes still left to write and several other tasks to do for the evening, and I was hit with several tasks that got signed out to me. There were three unplanned admissions (our service wasn't even on call) and taken together all this added up to me not getting everything done. I did most of the major stuff and I was running back and forth between two ends of the hospital taking care of two patients throughout the night, and I feel like I did a decent job: one patient got a full work-up for heart attack and evaluation for pulmonary embolism and the other patient went to back to the operating room the next morning, and I think I got both patients through their work-up as expediciously as possible. However, I got no sleep.

Friday night is the worst night for call.

Last call night: Friday, August 21st.
Amount of sleep last call night: None.
Currently reading: The Sunday Paper.
Currently watching: America's Test Kitchen on PBS.
Next call night: Tuesday, August 29th.


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